Lines from Enter The Dragon

Bow to Master Bruce Lee

Posted by Binghuan Zhang on June 19, 2021

I watched the movie Enter The Dragon over yesterday and the lines went deep from the very beginning that I’d like to share here.


I see your talents have gone beyond the mere physical level. Your skills now are now at the point of spiritual insight. I have several questions. What is the highest technique you hope to achieve?

To have no technique.

Very good.

What are your thoughts when facing an opponent?

There is no opponent.

And why is that?

Because the word “I” does not exist.

So, continue.

A good fight should be like a small play, but played seriously. A good martial artist does not become tense, but ready. Not thinking, yet not dreaming. Ready for whatever may come. When the opponent expand, I contract. When he contracts, I expand. And when there is an opportunity, I do not hit. It hits all by iteself.

Now, you must remember, the enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image, and you will break the enemy. The “it” you refer to is a powerful weapon, easily misused by martial artist who deserts his vows.

Sounds true to everything worth mastering in life, huh?