What Do I Know


IEEE 754 Demonstrating Floating Representation with Python

Floats are cool

Today it’s all about floats. How a float (number) is represented in binary, and in machine? Let’s try an example in Python. I found this topic to be really interesting as we’re going to the very ba...

There's an Online Brainfuck Editor!

I was exploring different kinds of editors by changing the language from the url in https://repl.it/languages/python3 without first looking at its main website. I was surprised to be able to see go...

Notes on Paper "Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems"

I came across this paper several weeks ago when I was learning a tool called Airflow that helps with task orchestration, and I found the paper extremely practical and well written. It seems that fo...


距离上一次坐飞机很久了,距离上一次写文章也很久了。这段时间是我和妻三年异地的最后一段路了,每一步都走的小心翼翼,生怕哪里出了差错。本来计划7月好好一起出去旅行的,但是OPT EXTENSION迟迟不下来,没法提前团聚,转眼假期过去,也开始了新的工作。新工作很好,氛围很好,同事和老大也很好,一切都好。 今天下午本来5点就可以上飞机的,但是飞机延误到了10点,我怕出差错,还是早早按原时间到了机...


最近受老婆的影响,不听地在听五月天,往往听到一个人开车的时候唱着唱着就流下眼泪。今天听到任意门,《自传》里我最喜欢的歌之一,感慨青春、梦想、思乡、平凡。我们每个人都是这么走过来的吧。 今天老婆也和我分享了阿信早期博客的内容,看到他的文字我会多少感受到他的感受,我心里也有一点细腻敏感、不愿让太多人知道的地方。也许只有闭上它,才能在另一个通道打开它吧。读了他的词,让我再一次有了想要写些东西的冲...

Goodbye, PyCharm

I’ve used PyCharm as my daily IDE extensively for quite some time, and now finally I can say goodbye to it. To begin with, I like PyCharm, it’s a fantastic IDE for Python developers. It was one of...




偶然听到这首歌的一句,好听到立刻打开识歌软件看是什么歌。识歌软件没有识别出来,于是依那一句“记忆力又下降”找到这首万玲琳的歌:蜜蜂demo。 先把歌的地址贴出来,豆瓣FM上的。 喜欢这首歌的曲调,喜欢歌词,有一种伤感,最喜欢这么几句: 没有人在身旁指引方向 原来我只是看起来匆忙 别把我的失眠时间拖延一个礼拜以上 记忆力又下降 我想在天空飞翔 却发出刺耳声响 伟大的样子都靠想...

Notes on Paper "Innateness, AlphaZero, and Artificial Intelligence"

This is the probably the most convincing paper I have read on arguing the power of the current state-of-art artificial intelligence, namely the AlphaGo Series (AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaZero). Wh...
